მოხალისეების დღიური :)
2 ოქტომბრიდან გვქონდა ტრენინგი Europa +/- 20. მანამდე კი ჩაგვიტარდა "on arrival" ტრენინგი.
10 ოქტომბერს გვქონდა კავკასიური საღამო, სადაც მოვამზადეთ ქართული კერძები, ხაჭაპური. ლიკამ გოზინაყიც კი გააკეთა, რომელმაც დიდი მოწონება დაიმსახურა. ამ საღამოზე გავიცანით პოლონეთში მცხოვრები ქართველები.
21-23 ოქტომბერს გვქონდა შეხვედრა შუმანის სხვა მოხალისეებთან და ტრენინგი. ამ შეხვედრაზე მოვაწყვეთ საქართველოს პრეზენტაცია, ასევე ჩემი (თამთას) ახალი კლიპის პრეზენტაციაც :) 24-ში მე და ლიკა ვიყავით საქართველოს საკონსულოში. ვემზადებით საახალწლო კონცერტისათვის. პარალელურად შერეული ოჯახების ბავშვებს ვასწავლით ქართულს.
თამთა ყველიაშვილი
normal ! we were in the Parlament. so, it was interesting.in this month i started my music lessons (theraphi) in thekindergarden. it`s perfect, two children already know the georgiansong. I hope it lasts well. the director didn`t give me free morning, to start late and finishlate two days ar one day. I feel bad for this , that`s why I need tosleep early. maybe my roommate will do her work at the work or in thekichen. i always do this. because we have only one room.
I think everything is ok. in this month we have got "karta pobita", it`s not so interesting, but is more important and needs more attention than another things.
For me december was very nice , because in Poland, there was my first concert, (about 30m). :) It was the festival, "teraz gruzja" and the organizators asked me for concert and I gave it. (11-12 december) this festival takes part every year.
I`m a little bit sad, because it`s december, my lovely month... in this month is a Christmas and a new year, but I`m here, without family and friends. though I have invitations, and I`m going to two place... :) marry christmas in advance. :)
In my kindergarden everything is good. on 22nd, we had "wigilia" and my children sang a georgian song. we have got some present from kindergarden and I have got from my group`s teachers very nice present. so, I think that`s all. :)
see you in next month.
It was busy month. I had a concert, but not my, in the embassy.( for children) then I got a cold, and three days was very bad. justina, natalia and my friend from georgia were very attentivly.( and Lika was on seeside... ) after this one I went to the mountains, and I spent there 8 days. very good time and memories from that place. I was in Magda`s husbend`s family. very big family, very !!! :) and miss my life in georgia. :( I feel that I changed a little bit, i wanted, but after this journey i`ll be the same as before. (not so much..) I`m strange, I`m difficult and sometimes very bad, but this is me! I love everyone here, but I need my life. i understood it here
and it`s very good for me.
sooo, today is lika`s birthday and I love this day!!! :)
The last month of winter and shorter...:) but I liked this winter...!!! Toruń, Toruń, Toruń... my favourit training after 2006. yes, i can say that it was very exciting and very interesting adventurous for me. (little bit difficult but..) good people, good trainers and amazing
city!!! after this training I have a new ideas, because i met a girl from Italy, who works with different people, (different countries) in Byałistok, there are georgian people there and I want to go and talk to them. Maybe i`ll do some activity.
After this training was "Fire-party" (kuling) :D and McDonalds. :D In the kindergarden everything is ok, i`m a little bit cold. :( so, my voice is lazy to sing.:D but I want to give some concert in apriel for parents and teachers and for my friends, of course, but i don`t know
anything details yet.
I have a NEWS: my friends, who are studing here, adviced me to enter
to Warsaw University and stay here. I`m thinking. :)
Very good month, it`s spring. :) my children already sing second
georgian song.
(jujuna cvima, about spring`s rain). :(
soo, good month, easter, Wrocław and me. :) the end of month is a little bit difficult but, it will be ok, i hope.
We, me and sabrina spent very good time in Wrocław. there were other our volunteers (klaudia and sinika) and our coordinators. of course they were for a comference, but however they found a time to meet us. :) I know my coordinator in georgia, my lovely Inga, wants me to write some good story, but... :D I can write that i have a difficult time, but I`m happy when my children, in kindergarden are singing georgian songs. the director is also very glad and content with us.(and teachers) last week was melanie`s presentation about France and I think i`ll have to do it also. :D that`s the all.
Already spring, it`s very good, and i`ve left just two month... it`s not a last report but, i think May was really busy. it`s started from Schuman`s Parade and ended on a sea side. :D I don`t know how to start, because my Natalia is
leaving on 31st of may, and I`ll be alone. of course other EVS and of course my Lika is here but Natalia is Natalia and nobody can change her! :( at the begining i
was thinking that won`t be close with these people because after it`s difficult to say goodbye and somehow i managed it, but some of them for me is very important and it will be stress... that`s why i decided to travel more in june, not to see
often them. I`m worring, i feel empty and full together. i found something other, that was not in my life so often, i`m glad and i`m sad, it`s my song... :D I hope time will cure everything, i`ll remember just the best things and my song won`t be so
sad but it`ll be full of amocion of love ! :) and just now Natalia laughed at me, (on sonday morning she is writing report, my sweet)
about work? everzthing is ok, we are prepering the concert and i˛ll sing. mz director is veri exsited. this is my speech, for today, i thing˛i won˛t say
enything else, it˛s too much from my side, as i know myself. Buziaki.
The last month !!!
It`s difficult to say that it was good month, because of this Goodbye...but i`m glad that everything finished good. the project for me was interesting, i had
opportunity to meet many people and talk to them about my new plans. sometimes it was
awful, difficult, but it`s good that my project is now finished and i didn`t stop somewhere in the middle. thanks to my coordinators !!! they are really "super", and my Project was really successful !
Thanks other volunteers that they were so good and nice !
That`s all, i go home. :)
2 ოქტომბრიდან გვქონდა ტრენინგი Europa +/- 20. მანამდე კი ჩაგვიტარდა "on arrival" ტრენინგი.
10 ოქტომბერს გვქონდა კავკასიური საღამო, სადაც მოვამზადეთ ქართული კერძები, ხაჭაპური. ლიკამ გოზინაყიც კი გააკეთა, რომელმაც დიდი მოწონება დაიმსახურა. ამ საღამოზე გავიცანით პოლონეთში მცხოვრები ქართველები.
21-23 ოქტომბერს გვქონდა შეხვედრა შუმანის სხვა მოხალისეებთან და ტრენინგი. ამ შეხვედრაზე მოვაწყვეთ საქართველოს პრეზენტაცია, ასევე ჩემი (თამთას) ახალი კლიპის პრეზენტაციაც :) 24-ში მე და ლიკა ვიყავით საქართველოს საკონსულოში. ვემზადებით საახალწლო კონცერტისათვის. პარალელურად შერეული ოჯახების ბავშვებს ვასწავლით ქართულს.
თამთა ყველიაშვილი
normal ! we were in the Parlament. so, it was interesting.in this month i started my music lessons (theraphi) in thekindergarden. it`s perfect, two children already know the georgiansong. I hope it lasts well. the director didn`t give me free morning, to start late and finishlate two days ar one day. I feel bad for this , that`s why I need tosleep early. maybe my roommate will do her work at the work or in thekichen. i always do this. because we have only one room.
I think everything is ok. in this month we have got "karta pobita", it`s not so interesting, but is more important and needs more attention than another things.
For me december was very nice , because in Poland, there was my first concert, (about 30m). :) It was the festival, "teraz gruzja" and the organizators asked me for concert and I gave it. (11-12 december) this festival takes part every year.
I`m a little bit sad, because it`s december, my lovely month... in this month is a Christmas and a new year, but I`m here, without family and friends. though I have invitations, and I`m going to two place... :) marry christmas in advance. :)
In my kindergarden everything is good. on 22nd, we had "wigilia" and my children sang a georgian song. we have got some present from kindergarden and I have got from my group`s teachers very nice present. so, I think that`s all. :)
see you in next month.
It was busy month. I had a concert, but not my, in the embassy.( for children) then I got a cold, and three days was very bad. justina, natalia and my friend from georgia were very attentivly.( and Lika was on seeside... ) after this one I went to the mountains, and I spent there 8 days. very good time and memories from that place. I was in Magda`s husbend`s family. very big family, very !!! :) and miss my life in georgia. :( I feel that I changed a little bit, i wanted, but after this journey i`ll be the same as before. (not so much..) I`m strange, I`m difficult and sometimes very bad, but this is me! I love everyone here, but I need my life. i understood it here
and it`s very good for me.
sooo, today is lika`s birthday and I love this day!!! :)
The last month of winter and shorter...:) but I liked this winter...!!! Toruń, Toruń, Toruń... my favourit training after 2006. yes, i can say that it was very exciting and very interesting adventurous for me. (little bit difficult but..) good people, good trainers and amazing
city!!! after this training I have a new ideas, because i met a girl from Italy, who works with different people, (different countries) in Byałistok, there are georgian people there and I want to go and talk to them. Maybe i`ll do some activity.
After this training was "Fire-party" (kuling) :D and McDonalds. :D In the kindergarden everything is ok, i`m a little bit cold. :( so, my voice is lazy to sing.:D but I want to give some concert in apriel for parents and teachers and for my friends, of course, but i don`t know
anything details yet.
I have a NEWS: my friends, who are studing here, adviced me to enter
to Warsaw University and stay here. I`m thinking. :)
Very good month, it`s spring. :) my children already sing second
georgian song.
(jujuna cvima, about spring`s rain). :(
soo, good month, easter, Wrocław and me. :) the end of month is a little bit difficult but, it will be ok, i hope.
We, me and sabrina spent very good time in Wrocław. there were other our volunteers (klaudia and sinika) and our coordinators. of course they were for a comference, but however they found a time to meet us. :) I know my coordinator in georgia, my lovely Inga, wants me to write some good story, but... :D I can write that i have a difficult time, but I`m happy when my children, in kindergarden are singing georgian songs. the director is also very glad and content with us.(and teachers) last week was melanie`s presentation about France and I think i`ll have to do it also. :D that`s the all.
Already spring, it`s very good, and i`ve left just two month... it`s not a last report but, i think May was really busy. it`s started from Schuman`s Parade and ended on a sea side. :D I don`t know how to start, because my Natalia is
leaving on 31st of may, and I`ll be alone. of course other EVS and of course my Lika is here but Natalia is Natalia and nobody can change her! :( at the begining i
was thinking that won`t be close with these people because after it`s difficult to say goodbye and somehow i managed it, but some of them for me is very important and it will be stress... that`s why i decided to travel more in june, not to see
often them. I`m worring, i feel empty and full together. i found something other, that was not in my life so often, i`m glad and i`m sad, it`s my song... :D I hope time will cure everything, i`ll remember just the best things and my song won`t be so
sad but it`ll be full of amocion of love ! :) and just now Natalia laughed at me, (on sonday morning she is writing report, my sweet)
about work? everzthing is ok, we are prepering the concert and i˛ll sing. mz director is veri exsited. this is my speech, for today, i thing˛i won˛t say
enything else, it˛s too much from my side, as i know myself. Buziaki.
The last month !!!
It`s difficult to say that it was good month, because of this Goodbye...but i`m glad that everything finished good. the project for me was interesting, i had
opportunity to meet many people and talk to them about my new plans. sometimes it was
awful, difficult, but it`s good that my project is now finished and i didn`t stop somewhere in the middle. thanks to my coordinators !!! they are really "super", and my Project was really successful !
Thanks other volunteers that they were so good and nice !
That`s all, i go home. :)
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